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Meet Our Team

Dillon Rankin, Co-Founder

Dillon is a Political Science and Pre-Law student at CU Boulder, and has been interested in electoral reform and alternative voting methods since his middle school teacher gave him a book on the subject. In his free time, he likes to read, bake, and study martial arts.

Peter Champe, Co-Founder

Peter first became involved in Longmont politics with Our Health, Our Future, Our Longmont, the group that successfully organized and passed the fracking ban in 2012.  He wrote the language for ballot question 300, which established the charter amendment to prohibit hydraulic fracturing and disposal of oil drilling waste within Longmont city limits.  Peter has long been a proponent of Ranked Choice Voting as way to address deficiencies in the current "choose-one” electoral system that results in toxic campaigns, deprives voters of meaningful choices, and advances candidates who lack broad support.  He feels that Ranked Choice Voting is a non-partisan issue that will make American democracy more representative of its citizens.

John Lembke, Co-Founder

John has been actively involved in voting reform education and activism since 2019. He is on the board of Real Choice Voting for Colorado, served on the executive committee of the Colorado Forward Party, and helped found RCV for Longmont.

John has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and masters degrees from CU Boulder in mechanical engineering and engineering management. He has worked for large multinational companies including GE and Seagate. John has spent most of his career scaling the production operations for startups and small companies, and is currently working for the autonomous vehicle startup Scythe Robotics in Longmont.

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